Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

The school system in Austria

The school system in Austria
Some basic information
·         At the age of 3- 5 a child could go to the kindergarten, but 1 year is compulsory
·         At the age of 6 a child could go to  the Pre-school
There the child get arrange for school.
·         At the age of 6-10 a child must go to the “Volksschule” for four years
·         At the age of 10-14 a child can choose between:
o   Gymnasium (4 years)
o   Neue Mittelschule (4 years)
If the child go 9 years to school, it finish now, another it has to stay one year else in school.
The child / student can go to:
Polytechnischeschule (1 year)
Gymnasium (4 years)
Hak (5 years)
Htl (5 years)
In Austria are much more schools which you can choose after the 8/9 school year.
When you finish the AHS you have to sit an exam called “Matura” ( It´s like SAT)

After this you can go study in an university or you can go working.

I visit the school Tanzenberg. It is a Gymnasium and I am now 5 years in this school. I can only recommend to go to this school.
The majors in Tanzenberg are: German, English, Maths, Latin, Italian / Ancient Greek
You can choose extra activities: Band, Drama, ECDL...
I hope you enjoy this little presentation about schools in Austria and I hope you would like to spend a year in Austria!

Montag, 24. Oktober 2011


Friends with benefits 

"Friends with benefits" is a film about love and friendship and it was directed by Will Gluck. He took out the best of Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake who are the main characters of the film.

The story is set in New York. "Friends with benefits" is a modern film.

The film is about a woman and a man only have troubles in love. One day they meet each other and they become very good friends. Both have an idea: They plan to have sex without feelings. At first it works out fine, but then their feelings become stronger.

This film is a very good idea. Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake are a very good combination and they did their job very well.  It seems that both are real life "Friends with benefits". All in all this film is a very good mix of comedy and love. If you like romantic movies that are funny as well, I `highly recommend "Friends with benefits". Phone your best friend and enjoy a night at the cinema.

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

Thirteen reasons why

I´ve chosen the book "Thirteen raesons why" from Jay Asher. On the cover of the book is a girl who looks quite unhappy. My first impression is that the book will tell something about a girl , her life and her problems.

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

Music :)


Music is a very popular among teenagers and also for me. I listen to music all the time, because I think it helps you relax. I like all kinds of music, but most of the time I listen to pop songs. I also like punk and rock.

I always check the charts on iTunes for new songs and I buy them there, so I don´t spend much money on CDs. And I think it is very convenient to buy the songs on iTunes, because you can buy them immediately and you find songs very quickly.

I have many favourite songs and I am not able to list them all, but today my absolute favourite song is “Free” from Natalia Kills. I have also some favourite bands like “Muse” or “The Fray”. I think their songs have very interesting lyrics and I do really like to listen to them.

In the morning when I go to school with my dad by car I often listen to the radio and mostly to Ö3. I’m very happy that we listen to Ö3, because my father likes folk music, but we have a compromise: when we go together, he doesn´t listen to it, because I hate folk music.

And below this text you find my favourite song “Free”. I hope you’ll like it.